District 7 Ag. Teachers Meeting A and genda        Date: 1/31/2022

  1. Call to Order & Welcome 9 am- Gina Neff
  2. Evaluations of Degrees, Officer Books and Proficiency Checks

  1. Officer Reports:
  1. Secretary - Christine Balint
  1. Accept secretary report. Moved by Christi B, second by Deb B. Motion Passed.
  1. Treasurer - Christi Bachman
  1. Starting Balance - $5630.27
  2. Income - $1,280 chapter dues
  3. Expenses - Meals for D7 evaluations ($423.51)
  4. Ending Balance - $6,486.76
  5. Accept treasurer report. Moved by Stephanie P., second by Karlie C. Motion Passed.
  1. Delegate Council - Megan Moorman
  2. Legislative - Scott Sharp
  1. Funding is no longer frozen, so make sure that your numbers match your funding numbers with student numbers. Hoping to have someone come and help us understand our funding numbers in the future.
  1. Membership - Tom Holton
  1. Join!
  1. CDE Advisory - Debra Burden
  1. Meeting coming on March 3rd - let her know if you want to bring something up. APD see Deb or Chris seeing we only have 5 schools interested - want to have everyone included if they wish.
  1. Camp Board - Adam Staley
  1. Absent
  1. Mentor - Jena Kemmerer
  1. Worked with Gina to use OAAE money to send mentor gifts for first-year teachers. Go Gina for mailing these out! Established area mentors for the 1,2,3 year teachers. New Teacher Success Series in March for 1,2,3 year teachers! Reach out to ODE rep for curriculum help.
  1. FFA Advisory – Jennifer Johnston
  1. Talked about evaluations. (¾ discussion)
  2. Minimum standards for proficiencies in Ohio be dropped to encourage more students to apply (failed).
  3. Allowing more leeway in non-ag-related SAEs for state degrees (failed).
  1. Alumni - Colton Kreager
  1. Feb 26th is the annual meeting - RSVP by 2/17 on the alumni website. Interested in camp or teacher grants those are due Feb 15th. You can sign up for their email letters.
  1. Trophies/Website - Jeff Tilley
  1. Check and update names on the website for trophies!
  1. District Policy Guide Committee-Karlie Gill
  1. Met on 12/23 to discuss potential changes to policy guide and will present changes today!
  1. Old Business:

  1. Google Account
  1. There is a google account now. Using this email and host account for our important documents with access from everyone. Thought about using a Google classroom for a change from the current D7 website.

  1. New Business:

  1. Items for Delegate Council

  1. None
  1. Items for CDE Advisory

  1. None
  1. Items for FFA Advisory

  1. Journaling hours for entrepreneurship that we now have to report when they graduate. This can cause issues for the new reporting policy. Should be journaling hours for entrepreneurship. Currently, hours are required for WBL reporting.
  2. Christi Moves to suggest at the FFA Advisory meeting for a re-evaluation of journaling hour requirements on SAE experiences. Seconded by Rachel. Motion passes.
  1. Adoption of District Policy Guide changes
  1.  Megan moved to accept the district policy guide changes as written and listed below. Seconded by  Karlie. (18 For, 0 opposed) Motion passes.

  1. Adjourn

        Rachel moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Megan . Motion passes.