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Air Pollution Quiz #3

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.


Methane is colorless, odorless and non-flammable.


Methane can be used as a fuel and in the production of nitrogen fertilizers.

Numeric Response


Ozone is a compound, that in the right layer in the atmosphere, protects us from radiation. Ozone molecules are composed of _____ oxygen atoms.



It was estimated that in 1990, about ______% of all particulate emissions in the United States were from agricultural activities.


Complete each statement.


The refrigerant that was used in air conditioned vehicles (cars, trucks, cabbed tractors, etc.) that contained the ozone damaging CFCs was known as R-12. It’s replacement that does not contain these compounds is known as ____________.



The main sources of hydrocarbon emissions are from the combustion of ________.



Modern engines in automobiles, trucks, etc. contain EGR valves on the engine to help reduce pollution. EGR stands for: ____________ ____________ _______________



In nature, methane is formed by the _______________ decomposition of vegetable matter.



Agricultures main source of methane is from ____________ wastes.



________________________ refer to small particles that become suspended in the air. These tiny particles appear as smoke or dust clouds.


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